That's it.
My surfing in January is done.
My surfing in January is done.
I'll be working and then I'll be away. Ocean, see you on February.
Three sessions: two of them just to say that I touched the water and Saturday the most unusual one. Which is what I'm going to tell you about today.
I went to Cooly, my favorite playground.
I was supposed to be there at dawn but a dinner, a movie and some alcohol and other sweet stuff the night before killed my resolution. I did the best I could and I hit the water at 10am, under a freaking Sun, among a freaking crowd, with disappointing waves and a low tide that made things worst.
I started on the left of Greenmount but there was a strong side current and I spent a lot of time paddling. Too much in fact, so that after the first 50 minutes I was already tired having caught only two or three leftovers. So I paddled a bit more and went toward Snapper Rock, where too many people were fighting for waves.. and at middle field, where I usually stay, leftovers were almost not surfable as they had no shoulders.. Conditions were in fact unusual.
The few waves that came in my way I couldn't catch them and I didn't get why.
I was gettin very frustrated and depressed as my new board seemed stuck, somehow. I didn't know if with the nsp it would have been any different, but I was thinking:
"Omg, I wasted money big time! This board needs a real surfer. I'm hopeless. I need the nsp.." And so on.
So I let the current drag me along, being tired, depressed and having to go back to the other beach, on the other side.
And then it happened that just when I was under Greenmount, a bigger wave came and nobody was around.
"Fuck, whatever.." I thought. "If it will smash me it won't make any difference."
So I went for it and it was around a meter and an half tall. Which is BIG for me. And I got it and started surfing it, and for some sort of magic I found myself at the top half, just under the lip, on a vertical wall of water, flying at an amazing speed.
I've never been there before! It was just not possible for me to be up there.
In fact, I still don't know why I was there. But I was there, and I was flying, and I could see the drop below me, and the cristal clear water, and I was working hard to not kill myself.
It must have been a decent ride as I heard someone screaming enthusiastically at me! I was over the moon, and I looked up at the guy screaming and I smiled. And that's when the magic finished and I went down in a big wipe out. But I was so stocked I came up still smiling and that guy laughed when I put my hands up meaning don't ask me more than that!
So I went for it and it was around a meter and an half tall. Which is BIG for me. And I got it and started surfing it, and for some sort of magic I found myself at the top half, just under the lip, on a vertical wall of water, flying at an amazing speed.
I've never been there before! It was just not possible for me to be up there.
In fact, I still don't know why I was there. But I was there, and I was flying, and I could see the drop below me, and the cristal clear water, and I was working hard to not kill myself.
It must have been a decent ride as I heard someone screaming enthusiastically at me! I was over the moon, and I looked up at the guy screaming and I smiled. And that's when the magic finished and I went down in a big wipe out. But I was so stocked I came up still smiling and that guy laughed when I put my hands up meaning don't ask me more than that!
And so my energy was back, and I paddled back to that spot and did it again three more times and the last one I didn't wipe out and the ride was so long I went straight to the beach and I said "Ok, I can't ask more than this. I'm done for today."
And from that moment on my mind has been stuck there, watching that wall of water over and over again.
And I have questions:
How did I end up surfing the top half of that mountain?
Was it me, the position, the board, the conditions?
What if I had the nsp?
Would I have surfed the same way? And would I have caught the smaller one I couldn't surf before that?
And let's pretend I can do it again.
What next? Am I supposed to go down hill, turn, and aim to the top? I don't know what scares me the most.
How did I end up surfing the top half of that mountain?
Was it me, the position, the board, the conditions?
What if I had the nsp?
Would I have surfed the same way? And would I have caught the smaller one I couldn't surf before that?
And let's pretend I can do it again.
What next? Am I supposed to go down hill, turn, and aim to the top? I don't know what scares me the most.
So far I only know one thing: this new board love steepness. Not surprising actually. But can I really enjoy it on my usual wave range? Or should I push myself and get used to that? (Meaning more hard work and commitment to come)
Can't wait to find it out.
Per Gennaio ho finito!
Impegni di vario tipo mi impediranno di andare a surfare per il resto del mese.
Un mese che mi ha visto toccare l'acqua tre volte, due delle quali in condizioni ridicole, come scritto.
Ieri poi e' stata una giornata molto strana.
Dovevo essere al mare all'alba ma il venerdi' sera mi ha giocato un brutto scherzo e con tutto l'impegno che potevo sono entrato in acqua solo alle 10. Sole a picco, furioso, folla da ferragosto, onde piu' piccole del previsto con una bassa marea che rendeva le cose piu' difficili.
Infatti ho sprecato la prima ora a remare contro corrente per stare in posizione alla sinistra di Greenmount, prendendo solo qualche scarto penoso. Poi ho remato verso la mia solita posizione, dove pero', stranamente, le onde non avevano spalla su cui partire e quelle piu' grosse ovviamente erano gia' prese. Ho speso altri quaranta minuti la, cercando con scarsi risultati di prendere scarti di pessima qualita', sempre piu' stanco e depresso. Preoccupato di aver comprato una tavola che non sono in grado di sfruttare, immaginando e carcando di capire se con la vecchia nsp sarebbe stato differente.
Cosi' mi sono arreso e ho lasciato che la corrente mi riportasse dove ero entrato, come una medusa, col morale di uno che viene mandato in esilio. Arrivederci mare, neanche una gioa in questo inizio anno!
E cosi' d'un tratto, assorto e depresso, mi sono ritrovato sotto Greenmount, davanti alle roccie che temo sempre, dove l'ora precedente tentavo di andare senza successo per via del traffico e della corrente. E proprio in quei frangenti e' arrivato un set di onde piu' grandi. Ed ero solo!
Ho visto che l'onda sarebbe stata grande (per me intendo, sul metro e mezzo) ma mi son detto: "Se mi frega e mi frulla in lavatrice non aggiungera' niente di brutto ad una giornata da scordare"
E sono partito.
L'ho presa, ho girato, e come per magia ero sulla parte alta di essa, con un metro e mezzo di acqua completamente verticale sotto di me, mentre la sommita' trasparente iniziava ad infrangersi a rallentatore e la mia tavola filava dritta come un fulmine. Non potevo crederci! Quello e' un punto dell'onda dove non sono mai stato capace di piazzarmi, per mia inesperienza e poca voglia di farmi male provandoci, figurarsi su un'onda alta quasi quanto me!
Deve essere stata una buona cavalcata se un tipo in acqua mi ha urlato il suo entusiasmo da lontano.
E quello e' stato il momento in cui la magia e' finita. Ho alzato lo sguardo per vederlo ed ho perso il controllo. Ma ero cosi' gasato che non mi sono neanche accorto dell'effetto lavatrice. Sono sbucato con un sorriso da 300 denti e le mani in alto a significare "Hey, non chiedermi piu' di quel che ho fatto!" E quello ha riso con me.
Non potevo crederci. Ho ripreso le forze e sono tornato in posizione. In dieci minuti ho ripetuto tre volte, e l'ultima non sono caduto e la cavalcata e' stata cosi' lunga che sono arrivato sino a riva, dove sarei dovuto uscire tempo prima. A quel punto mi son detto" Vista la giornata esco. Finito. Non potra' mai essere meglio di cosi'. Conlcudo in gloria!"
E da quel momento non faccio altro che pensare a quel muro d'acqua sotto di me.
E mi pongo domande:
Cosa e' successo di diverso da prima?
Era la tavola nuova? La posizione di partenza? Le condizioni particolari?
Con la vecchia tavola sarebbe stato lo stesso? E avrei preso quegli scarti che non riuscivo a prendere?
E cosa implichera' il poter ripetere quelle cavalcate (ammesso e non concesso)? Significa che poi dovro' puntare verso il basso, accellerare ancor di piu', inclinarmi come su una moto, fare una curva a 3g di forza laterale, e spararmi verso la cima dell'onda come fanno quelli? Non saprei segliere cosa mi spaventa di piu'!
E la nuova tavola, che e' un fulmine, sapra' farmi divertire anche sulle mie onde piu' tranquille?
Non vedo l'ora di tornare in acqua.
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