25 June 2019

Pain :(

Physical problems.
I can't do sports at the moment.
Upset, sad and frustrated.

La sfiga.
Ho dolori vari e non posso fare sport al momento.
Bestemmie a nastro.

18 June 2019

Hamboards #3

The Hamboards is really catching my attention.

Despite the fact that I'm not using it as much as I'd like, I'm improving and doing a little bit better every time I'm on it.
It is true that it's not just a big skateboard and it really feels like you are on water.
I'm doing a crush course on skateboard stuff too..

Good surf and now good fun with this big toy.

Cleaning up the trucks

L'Hamboards mi sta stregando.
Anche se non riesco ad avere il tempo per usarlo tanto quanto vorrei, tutte le volte che ci salgo miglioro un pochino e il godimento rimane alto.
E' vero che non si tratta solo di uno skateboard grande, e in molti passaggi ti trasmette la sensazione di essere in acqua.
Sto anche facendo un corso accellerato di componentistica di skate per trovare il setting giusto.

E' stata una prima meta' d'anno di buon surf in acqua e in strada!

07 June 2019

Life is short go surf - Russian readers!

I’m getting a ridiculous amount of view from Russia! Way out of scale of what is the modest average of this blog.

Also, this traffic is very much attracted by one 2 years old post called “Someone else’s post” that links to another guy’s blog. The only thing attractive that I can think of is this sentence: life is short, go surf.

So now I’m doing 2 things.
-1 Writing life is short, go surf to see if this post attracts people as well (and maybe delete that old one)
-2 Asking the Russian readers to leave a message! Are you actual persons?


04 June 2019

Skate and surf

The other day a friend of mine asked me to try his surfboard. He wanted to know what I thought about it. Now, I'm not in the position to give this sort of feedback, but since he's a beginner I gave it a try to reassure him on his learning curve. Anyway, he had a GoPro mounted and I filmed a couple of mushy waves.

Watching the videoclips I realised how much the Hamboards is influencing my actions in the water. Small things, details that add to my surfing and make me happy. :)

L'altro giorno un amico mi ha chiesto di usare la sua tavola per sapere cosa ne pensassi.
Non che io sia la persona giusta per valutazioni simili ma tant'e'. L'ho provata su un paio di onde e dato che aveva la Gopro montata ho filmato qualcosa.

Le onde erano mosce e non ho fatto niente di entusiasmante; ma rivedendo i filmati mi sono accorto di quanto usare l'Hamboards stia influendo le mie azioni in acqua. Piccole cose che comunque aggiungono mattoncini alla mia costruzione.