Its' 5am and the alarm rings with a pop/new-age kind of theme.
The cell phone is new and I don't know what's happening.
Then I remember I should go surfing and I wonder why.
I check the webcams and I can see some lines at Currumbin. A school of SUP and some surfers are already there and I immediately hate the locals. Too easy being a local!
I put on a cold t-shirt. Fuck. I put on a jumper too. I have a fast breakfast standing up, trying not to be noisy. I grab the backpack and go to the garage, where car and surfboard are ready to go.
When I hit the freeway I set the cruise control at 100kmh and fall into autopilot.
My destiny depends on the wind. I'd like Currumbin but I can see the tree tops already shaking. I may have to be a loser and go to find shelter at Kirra, where I'm sure it's very small.
So it's 6.40am when I park beside the surfclub at Kirra. The ocean is empty. And flat. Fuck. Now what?
Wait! I can see white water rolling in. And the tide is receding. Some old dudes chat in the carpark, their surfboard all wrapped up. Fuck that. I can catch ripples with my long. If I have to be the kook for today, so be it! I get ready and then I go near the water.
I'm the only one. Kook sign flashing over my head.
I sit near the rocks and start catching 10cm waves. Then as I turn I see the big set coming: 40cm! I lose this one but I paddle out and prepare for the next. When it comes I spend some times to figure out the best position for a decent ride. Then I spot 2 figures waxing the boards at the beach! A lot of wax. I already think they could get the kook award in my place. I catch some more waves when I realize the two kooks are girls in bikini. I feel cold just watching them. They come close to me and wait some meters down the line. I feel the peer pressure. Can I kook a tiny wave in front of two hot girls? I could. But I manage not to. And then I see them trying one and I realise they are beginners. Can I pass my kook title to them? not sure..
But the pressure is off at least.
I concentrate on the Ocean again and I can see a dark, low cloud hoovering upon Snapper Rocks. Then I notice 2 guys surfing just beside the pier. They have one board to share. They take turns surfing and filming each other. Nobody ever take, or took, a single picture of me surfing. This two are filming each other like they were really surfing something worth. I don't know what to think about it, but the point is that they are not waiting as long as I do down here. I have to go there.
I get closer and wait patiently. Then I can I catch one and basically we take turns without pressure. But they are too close to the rocks and they are in the white water too soon for my taste. So I set myself just a bit on the side and I'm able to surf a bit longer.
The dark cloud is now here and starts pouring.
The sky is silver in the distance and black over me. The water is crystal clear and every moment it shifts from green to silver colour. I watch the drops splashing on the surface. The wind is gone and the waves are almost good. The two girls are gone and my neighbours are leaving.
I'm alone again.
It happened to me before (being alone I mean), in Australia and with waves. But this time it's a bit stupid, I think.
The wind is up again.
I catch some more and I start thinking about leaving when 2 guys come near me. What? Their presences give me motivation. I focus again on surfing. This time they are better than me. They remind me of what I should think of. I try harder but the wind is growing stronger and in-shore. The water is becoming messy. I start nose diving. I start kooking.
Then I get a good one. It doesn't close in front of me. I go down and up, down and up and it closes. I turn left and use the white water to avoid the rocks. I'm at the beach. If I go back there I'll wait other 2 hours for a good exit such this! I better go.
As I approach my car a girl stops her just beside. She must be from some pacific island and she is beautiful. She's frowning, watching the water, the board in the back seats. I'm about to play the cool guy and tell her to go near the pier. But I resist. I'm not cool. I'm the kook today. I surfed and that's enough. I keep my award and go back home satisfied.
Il cellulare suona alle 5am con una roba misto pop/new-age.
The cell phone is new and I don't know what's happening.
Then I remember I should go surfing and I wonder why.
I check the webcams and I can see some lines at Currumbin. A school of SUP and some surfers are already there and I immediately hate the locals. Too easy being a local!
I put on a cold t-shirt. Fuck. I put on a jumper too. I have a fast breakfast standing up, trying not to be noisy. I grab the backpack and go to the garage, where car and surfboard are ready to go.
When I hit the freeway I set the cruise control at 100kmh and fall into autopilot.
My destiny depends on the wind. I'd like Currumbin but I can see the tree tops already shaking. I may have to be a loser and go to find shelter at Kirra, where I'm sure it's very small.
So it's 6.40am when I park beside the surfclub at Kirra. The ocean is empty. And flat. Fuck. Now what?
Wait! I can see white water rolling in. And the tide is receding. Some old dudes chat in the carpark, their surfboard all wrapped up. Fuck that. I can catch ripples with my long. If I have to be the kook for today, so be it! I get ready and then I go near the water.
I'm the only one. Kook sign flashing over my head.
I sit near the rocks and start catching 10cm waves. Then as I turn I see the big set coming: 40cm! I lose this one but I paddle out and prepare for the next. When it comes I spend some times to figure out the best position for a decent ride. Then I spot 2 figures waxing the boards at the beach! A lot of wax. I already think they could get the kook award in my place. I catch some more waves when I realize the two kooks are girls in bikini. I feel cold just watching them. They come close to me and wait some meters down the line. I feel the peer pressure. Can I kook a tiny wave in front of two hot girls? I could. But I manage not to. And then I see them trying one and I realise they are beginners. Can I pass my kook title to them? not sure..
But the pressure is off at least.
I concentrate on the Ocean again and I can see a dark, low cloud hoovering upon Snapper Rocks. Then I notice 2 guys surfing just beside the pier. They have one board to share. They take turns surfing and filming each other. Nobody ever take, or took, a single picture of me surfing. This two are filming each other like they were really surfing something worth. I don't know what to think about it, but the point is that they are not waiting as long as I do down here. I have to go there.
I get closer and wait patiently. Then I can I catch one and basically we take turns without pressure. But they are too close to the rocks and they are in the white water too soon for my taste. So I set myself just a bit on the side and I'm able to surf a bit longer.
The dark cloud is now here and starts pouring.
The sky is silver in the distance and black over me. The water is crystal clear and every moment it shifts from green to silver colour. I watch the drops splashing on the surface. The wind is gone and the waves are almost good. The two girls are gone and my neighbours are leaving.
I'm alone again.
It happened to me before (being alone I mean), in Australia and with waves. But this time it's a bit stupid, I think.
The wind is up again.
I catch some more and I start thinking about leaving when 2 guys come near me. What? Their presences give me motivation. I focus again on surfing. This time they are better than me. They remind me of what I should think of. I try harder but the wind is growing stronger and in-shore. The water is becoming messy. I start nose diving. I start kooking.
Then I get a good one. It doesn't close in front of me. I go down and up, down and up and it closes. I turn left and use the white water to avoid the rocks. I'm at the beach. If I go back there I'll wait other 2 hours for a good exit such this! I better go.
As I approach my car a girl stops her just beside. She must be from some pacific island and she is beautiful. She's frowning, watching the water, the board in the back seats. I'm about to play the cool guy and tell her to go near the pier. But I resist. I'm not cool. I'm the kook today. I surfed and that's enough. I keep my award and go back home satisfied.
Il cellulare suona alle 5am con una roba misto pop/new-age.
E' nuovo e non capisco che cazzo stia succedendo.
Quando mi ricordo che avevo deciso di andare a surfare presto, mi chiedo semplicemente perche'.
Controllo le webcam e vedo delle timide linee a Currumbin. E un branco di SUP gia' all'opera.
Odio i locals che devono solo aprire la porta di casa per essere al mare. Ti piace vincere facile?
Mi infilo la maglietta fredda, bestemmio, aggiungo la felpa, mando giu' la colazione in piedi cercando di fare piano. Mi lavo la faccia i denti e va bene cosi. Prendo lo zaino pronto, le chiavi e vado giu' in garage dove macchina e tavola sono in attesa. Sono tentato di segnare un record personale tra la discesa dietro casa e l'ospedale, ma desisto.
In autostrada metto il cruise controll a 100kmh ed entro in trance. Mi pongo domande esistenziali tipo: il vento e' gia' su? Mi conviene Currumbin o fare lo sfigato a Kirra che e' ancora piu' piccolo? A 3/4 di strada mi do una risposta: le cime degli alberi si muovono troppo. Faccio lo sfigato, e' deciso.
Alle 6.40 parcheggio accanto al surfclub e in acqua non c'e' nessuno. Cazzo. Piatto. Crisi. No, un attimo: ora arriva un po' di schiuma. E la marea sta scendendo. Col mio long prendo anche gli sputi.
Al parcheggio dei vecchi parlano con le tavole incapucciate. Fanculo, sfigato sia. Mi cambio sapendo di destare ilarita' ed entro.
Mi metto accanto alle rocce e prendo un rivoletto di 10cm. Mi giro e vedo arrivare il set del giorno: 40cm! Ovviamente lo perdo ma mi metto in posizione ad aspettare il successivo. Quando si presenta lo sfrutto per trovare il punto migliore. A quel punto vedo due in spiaggia che spalmano cera: questi son peggio di me! Sicuro mi si mettono accanto. Ne prendo alcune quando mi accorgo che i due sono due ragazze in bikini. Kirra Hill ripara dal vento ma non c'e' sole e mi vien freddo solo a guardarle. Si avvicinano e si fermano dieci metri piu sotto di me. Sono gnocche. Ora devo pure evitare di sbagliare per colpa loro! Ne prendo una decente e passo loro accanto senza drammi. Mentre remo vedo che tentano di prenderne una con la schiuma e mi rilasso. Beginners!
Torno a concentrarmi sul mare. Il cielo e' sempre piu' grigio ed in fondo oltre Snapper vedo un nuvolone nero, bassissimo che si avvicina. Poi mi accorgo che accanto al molo di pietre ci sono due che surfano! Una tavola per due e si filmano a vicenda. Oggi e' la fiera degli sfigati. A me nessuno mai ha fatto neache una foto..
Comunque loro non devono attendere i set come me. E no! Mi dispiace avvicinarmi ma pazienza. Saluto i due culi sodi e remo via verso il molo. Non faccio il rompicazzo ed aspetto di lato. Quando si tolgono ne prendo una io ma mi accorgo che e' tutta schiuma. Non mi piace. Allora mi sistemo nuovamente sul lato, lascio loro la precedenza virtuale, ma da qui l'onda, quando decente, mi rimane aperta e vado giu' sino alla spiaggetta mentre loro, a turno e sempre filmando, si fermano abbastanza presto.
Il nuvolone incombe e comincia a piovere. Il cielo all'orizzonte e' grigio, quasi metallo, reso splendente dal sole nascosto ma basso, mentre sopra di me e' nero. L'acqua, pulitissima, ha tonalita' verdi e argento. La pioggia cade senza vento e i micro set diventano puliti e quasi belli. I due culi sodi sono spariti e i miei vicini se ne vanno.
Mi e' capitato altre volte di essere solo, nonostante fossi in Austalia, e nonostante ci fosse da surfare. Ma questa volta e' abbastanza ridicolo. Guardo l'ora. Ne prendo un altro paio. Mi giro e vedo altri due che entrano. Vengono dritti dove sono io. Mi metto in pole position e ne prendo una. Poi guardo loro e mi accorgo che son bravi. Il fatto mi da nuova voglia. Vederli fare passetti e virate mi piace e mi stimola.
Ci alterniamo senza intoppi e io comincio a fare cagate. Scommetto di aver perso subito la loro stima. Ma insisto. Si alza il vento. Inshore, forte. Le condizioni tristi diventano ridicole. Loro sono appena entrati. Io son gia' alle due ore e devo sbrigare delle cose prima di mezzogiorno. Ho fatto anche troppo dato le premesse.
Insisto altri due minuti e prende a diluviare. Allora aspetto ancora.
Ora e' tutto un pasticcio e non riesco piu' a fare neanche 10 metri. Cerco con pazienza un punto buono. Ne arriva una di 30cm. Parto, mi rimane aperta, ci vado su, giro, scendo, risalgo, si rompe tutta, sono vicino alle rocce, giro a sinistra e surfo il cadavere sino alla riva.
A questo punto devo uscire! Se rientro non ne riprendero' una cosi' per altre due ore e usciro' trovando il modo di farmi del male, fisico o morale.
Vado alla macchina ed una tipa parcheggia accanto. E' sola ed e' concentrata sul mare. Ha l'aspetto polinesiano, bellissima e sicuramente bravissima. Ha la tavola infilata dietro nei sedili e scommetto sta bestemmiando come me all'arrivo. Sono tentato di fare il brillante e consigliarle di andare accanto al molo.
Ma desisto. Oggi non sono brillante. Sono lo sfigato che e' entrato col mare piatto. Mi tengo il titolo e corro a casa soddisfatto ugualmente.
Meglio sfigati bagnati che fighi asciutti