30 June 2014

Quicksilver sport watch - Review!

To talk about this watch is need to talk about the Swatch brand.
Do you know it?

Swatch is a Swiss idea. Originally they created a cheap, plastic, colourful, fun and disposable watch for teenagers. They gained great popularity and over time the range and models increased.
Not long ago, with just 30 years -or so- gap, they finally arrived in Australia. 
This is to say that basically since I was a teenager I always had a Swatch at my wrist. They looked good, lasted 2 to 5 years and never costed me much.
My last one, all plastic, already a couple of years old, has gone through all my surfing initiation: 3 years of all sort of wipe-outs and stuff.
Then it died. Just like that. But it actually surprised me for lasting that long in the ocean.

So when last year I went to Torquay, I decided that my souvenir would be a brand new "surfing watch", made to face the greatest wipe-out and last a million years.
See the picture? That’s the one I chose. Very thick and heavy (twice a Swatch) stainless steel plus don't know what special glass and what else.
I bought it on July and by February it started to die. I couldn’t I believe it. 
But yes, as a matter of fact, it didn’t last 1 year.
10 months. Dead.

Thank you Quicksilver.

So, what's my review?
I rate this shit 0 star out of 5.
Does it work?
Do I like it?
Not really. I got the smallest, but it was still uselessly too heavy. Too thick. The knob on the wrong side.
Would I recommend this watch?
Any suggestion?
Any cheap watch will last longer.
Save your money.

Per la review di questo orologio mi occorre menzionare lo Swatch.
L'ultimo che ho comprato, un modello di plastica, era gia' vecchio quando ho iniziato a surfare.
E' durato quasi 3 anni partecipando a tutte le botte che un principiante con tavola epoxy puo' garantire. Poi un giorno e' morto, di punto in bianco. Ma ero sorpreso che fosse durato tanto.

Cosi' quando sono andato a Torquay, citta' surfistica del Victoria, ho voluto prendere un souvenir che fosse utile: l'orologio della Quicksilver in foto.
Ho cercato il piu' piccolo possibile, per non darmi fastidio. Eppure e' grosso e pensante il doppio dello Swatch. Fatto in acciaio e con vetro criptonico testato coi rutti di Hulk.
Insomma, una roba speciale per resistere alla vita da lupo di mare! 
Cosi' son rimasto perplesso quando dopo qualche mese ha iniziato a perdere colpi. Pensavo magari fosse la batteria. Invece no.
Non e' durato nemmeno un anno. 10 mesi. Morto. Fine. 

Grazie Quicksilver. Che cagata di orologio.

Valutazioni finali:
Voto 0 stellette su 5.
Mi piace?
Non c'era molta scelta e il design lascia il tempo che trova.
Lo suggerirei agli altri?
Neanche per sbaglio.
Qualsiasi orologio del marocchino dura di piu', sicuro.
Risparmiate i soldi, va.

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